Why not to tell a dog "NO!"
WHAT’S ON YOUR SHOPPING LIST? By Diane L. Bauman If I send you to the grocery store with a shopping list of everything you should not...

How To Stop Pulling on a Leash
To understand why a dog pulls on a leash and how to stop it, think about the age old game of “tug of war.” In order to play this game you...

Does your dog get Car Sick?
Dogs get car sick for different reasons. Some actually experience motion sickness and others are so fearful that the anxiety makes them...

(Based on over 40 years of living with and training dogs.) Dogs will do what it is to their advantage to do. Dogs respond to visual cues...

Saving the Sport of Obedience Competition
It is not news that in the past ten years, participation in the sport of AKC obedience has dwindled. In spite of the addition of Rally...

It is not news that since the onset of agility as a titling performance event in AKC we have witnessed a decline in entries into...

Do Border Collies make good pets?
Border Collies are not like any other breed of dog. For over four hundred years they have been bred specifically to work livestock. The...

Shelter Dogs and Agility
Dogs coming out of shelters often have a number of issues. Frequently they lack confidence, have little to no body awareness, and may not...

My dog is afraid of strangers. What can I do to ease its fears?
Most dogs that are fearful of strangers are lacking socialization. This is to say that as puppies they were not exposed to many different...